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A service that is as unique as you are...

This new and unique service has already proved incredibly popular giving people the chance to quite literally 'have the last word!

It is said that 'Everyone has a book in them', in my experience this is an understatement - most people that I speak to has an entire library in them, let me explain;

We each hold a section about our early years, our schooling, our employment, our social lives, our friends, our interests and hobbies - the list goes on!

When I conducted my father's funeral and then some years later my mother's I was armed with some incredible things that I could share with everyone who came to say goodbye.

You see I was lucky, both of my parents spoke openly and enthusiastically about their lives and about things that they would like said and how they would like to be remembered.

And it got the little cogs in my head spinning - how beautiful would it be for you to actually have input in your own eulogy? It would mean that at a service delivered for you, you would be in control of some of the material, your chance to share your favourite most treasured stories and to say thank you to friends and family even though you are not physically there...

My system  is designed to help you to recall key areas of your life that record them, you are free to come back as often as you like to add new information and update anything that you wish.

I have had requests from individuals to record their own message to be played at a future service (some with just sound and others with video too) making their service more memorable, more poignant and so incredibly moving.

If you have requested access to my online forms you will have been provided with a password and you can access them using the relevant link below:

To access the online 'Living Eulogy' form, click HERE

To access the online 'Remote Eulogy' form, click HERE

'You see, when the time comes, your funeral should be a celebration of your life

- and who better to provide some of the words than you!'


A huge thank you for yesterday. I have been inundated both at the wake and today praising your performance

and delivery of what absolutely hit the mark on what I wanted.  You did us proud.

People have repeatedly mentioned your sincere, professional delivery

and complete understanding of Alan and what he meant to us all.



Wealden Celebrant - Member of AOIC

If my services have met your expectations please share your experience with others HERE

Telephone: 07977 504557     E-mail:

Providing personal, bespoke services across the United Kingdom and beyond


All images © Mick Gosden    Website Design & Hosting By

Wealden Celebrant - Standards
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